A healthy and tasty chicken salad with a fruity twist - great on a croissant or in a honey pita. Note: This salad is ...
I got this carrot salad recipe from the cook at my favorite Thai restaurant in Cincinnati. His carrot salad was one o...
In this simple scallop recipe, large sea scallops are sautéed in butter and garlic and served with a lemon-butter sa...
This delicious lemon chicken piccata dish is exquisite and easy to prepare. The light and luscious lemon sauce really...
This scallop pasta dish is a very simple, easy-to-prep meal that you will most likely be asked to make again! The tas...
This smoked salmon pasta is a lighter version of pasta carbonara. For people who want the flavor but not the bacon, s...
These garlic noodles are deceivingly simple, yet devastatingly delicious. Garlic noodle...
This salsa chicken recipe is very easy and quick! Someone gave me this recipe a few yea...
This perfectly seasoned grilled sea bass dish includes a delicious garlic-parsley butte...
Cook salmon in the oven for a deliciously quick and simple dinner for any occasion. The...
This penne pasta is a Mediterranean-style family staple. Use 2 tablespoons olive oil if...
Yummy grilled cod with Cajun seasoning. I baste the fillets with a mixture of melted bu...
Cajun chicken pasta is easy and delicious. Cajun cooking combines French, Southern, and...
A great cold-weather dish that takes little prep time and yields tender chops.
This is the perfect introduction to Korean cuisine and you'll enjoy its simplicity. The...
This is a quick and easy recipe that results in tender and flavorful pork chops.
Falafel made with canned chickpeas — just like the ones you taste in a Greek restaura...
This muesli recipe is a nutritious and delicious breakfast cereal. Use any dried fruit ...
Tender pork chops, peppers, mushrooms, and tomatoes — this main dish is loaded with I...
These pressure cooker pork chops are a great, quick, and easy meal. The one-pot pressur...
I came up with this recipe as I love maple and mustard. We wanted to add more flavor an...
This juicy air fryer meatloaf with a tangy glaze is easy to make in a fraction of the t...
For those who love cheesecake, but don't like the heavy texture or the time it takes to make a traditional cheesecake, this cherry crunch dessert may just be what you're looking for.
This easy magic cookie bar recipe makes two dozen rich and delicious treats!
Make taquitos, or rolled tacos, at home with this super easy recipe that uses canned or rotisserie chicken, cheese, a...
This fried tilapia recipe is delicious. In Wisconsin, the "Friday Fish Fry" is a time-honored tradition. This deep-fr...
This is a favorite recipe to make with my children. It's a quick and easy breakfast-on-the-go idea.
Light sesame oil works best for this recipe. Vegetable oil can be used instead.
These tangy fresh green beans with nuts and fresh herbs are great with grilled fish!
Everyone loves those layered salads; here's a fruit one! My personal preference is that this salad be served well-chi...
Came up with this for a more exotic twist on the classic bacon broccoli salad, since many of us are vegetarians. Make...
This kidney bean salad is a simple and delicious combination of hard-cooked eggs, beans, onion, celery, and sweet pic...
These garlic noodles are deceivingly simple, yet devastatingly delicious. Garlic noodles were invented back in the '7...
This salsa chicken recipe is very easy and quick! Someone gave me this recipe a few years back, and it has become a h...
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